SYP Automatic Fluid Sampler

Evironmental scientists and monitoring agencies analyse water samples to understand our climate, ecology, and the impact of industrialisation and human action on our environment. However, our understanding is limited by our ability to gather frequent and high-quality water samples, which are costly and time-consuming to collect.

The University of Waikato has developed the SYP Automatic Fluid Sampler, purpose-built for the requirements of field-active climate scientists, environmental researchers and water monitoring agencies. University researcher, Dr Adam Hartland, is using the device to build models that can better predict weather patterns and climate conditions. The device allows Adam and his team to conduct rigorous research in new, remote areas.

The prototype unit is in field testing and delivers:

  • Reliable collection and storage of up to 58 discrete, silicon-sealed samples
  • Up to 12 months of continuous operation using AA batteries
  • Gravity-fed or pumped sample collection
  • Concurrent data logging of temperature, pressure, humidity, full vial events
  • Easy transport by disassembly into two halves. Custom carry-bags available.
  • Easy set-up and configuration using an intuitive smartphone app
  • Highly programmable sampling schedules based on time or sensor data

The device will be ready for manufacture and sale in Q4 2020. For pre-orders and further information contact Doug Hillyer or Matt McMahon

Theme: Overlay by Kaira