
WaikatoLink has access to a pool of investment funding

For work towards commercial application of research: market validation, feasibility studies, technical prototypes, travel, employee costs

Funding of up to $20k

  • Internal application/decision
  • Typically 6 months
  • Immediate start date, can claim costs up to a month before

Funding of >$40k, up to $300k

  • Seek confirmation from external members
  • Flexible timing, 9 months – 2 years
  • Immediate start date on Investment Committee approval

KiwiNet Funding

Through KiwiNet, an MBIE-funded consortium of 18 publicly funded research organisations, which includes WaikatoLink. KiwiNet funding is matched with funding from WaikatoLink (which can be in kind i.e. WaikatoLink’s staff time) or the University. This is PreSeed funding at two levels:

  1. Tier 1: For costs including market validation, business case preparation, securing intellectual property and prototype development (i.e. to cover the costs of the work WaikatoLink does)
  2. Tier 2: For costs incurred in the development of a project to the ‘private-sector ready’ stage

Theme: Overlay by Kaira